April 28, 2010

Certain Comic Book Covers: The Vanishers

Here's what I hate: when comic book covers have different art and give off a different vibe of what the actual comic is and what it will be about. I started reading "The Vanishers", and I was immediately prompted to write this small rant. First of all, I only bought this small graphic novel because it was only $1 on a sale comic book table. I thought I'd give it a try. Bad idea. Now I need to threaten some old ladies out of anger.

Here is a picture of the cover. You would expect the comic to have this type of style, or at least close to it. It turns out that this cover is almost like concept art and a quick sketch of the two main characters. Now, I actually enjoy this cover. I like the style and how it's drawn, and I wouldn't have minded if the entire book was done in this style. But no. I remain teased. The cover art is done by a completely different person from the comic book artist. Her name is Ashley Wood.

"The Vanishers" is written by Chuck Dixon and drawn by Andres Klacik.  I haven't heard of Klacik before, and he doesn't even have his own wiki, the poor bastard. Chuck Dixon, however, has been a prolific comic book writer and has written comics from Batman, to G.I. Joe, to Doom. On his wiki, "The Vanishers" hasn't even been noted. It makes me wonder if this comic is so  below his standards, or this is a different Chuck Dixon entirely.

I did not finish this comic book at all. I was bored instantly. But this may not be the same for you. It's about people disappearing and only the main character remembers them ever existing. But he realizes that a fellow classmate has noticed they had disappeared as well. I became intrigued by this idea at first. Then they start traveling through time. Bah.

The art was well drawn, but a typical comic art you'd see. I didn't like what was written; the conversations were awkward. I'd say purchase this comic if it's dirt cheap (and not get it at the publishers price: $12.99. You'd regret it getting it at that price; you'd rather be raped by a panda), or free. Or if one of your friends has it, borrow it. Then take a piss on the cover and return it to your friend because they let you read the piece of shit.

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