
How did you get the name Craftologie?
Wanting to redo a previous web blog entirely, I was thinking of different blog names that will better represent me. I told my mom about this particular dilemma, So both of us started thinking about this. Craftologie turned up whilst my mom was washing her hair in the shower.

Why do you have this blog?
As entertainment, for myself and for the few readers that I may have. It's purely for a boredom buster, a place to vent and a place to brag. It also encourages me to better appreciate my own creativeness and to get my work out there in the public.

How often do you post?
As often as I can/want to. I try to post every other day and have at least two different "crafties" posted a week, but obviously I have a life. I won't commit to any specific times.

Why do you like creating/art so much?
Interesting question. I find that it's a form of self expression. Usually, my verbal skills aren't exactly resume-worthy for a senator position. But when I have a piece of paper or fabric in front of me (or any other sort of medium), I find my thoughts and feelings much easier to share and to express.

Ever since I could remember, I've been fascinated by things that could be created. That fascination has never stopped in me, but rather evolved into something that I long for and crave.

Where the HECK did you get those progress bars?!?
Calm the heck down. I got them here.

If you have any questions concerning this blog, post a comment or email me by checking out my blogger profile.