March 25, 2010

Rose Bracelet

My first ever attempt to making jewelry! I was at Hobby Lobby one day getting some supplies. I walked down the bead aisles and suddenly felt like I should start making jewelry, or at least learn how to. I've never felt this urge before. But then again, only recently have I desired to learn everything there is to know about arts and good crafts.

So this Hobby Lobby had at least three aisles of beads and jewelry making equipment. Now, I tend to love unusual, rocker, wooden, oriental and awesome beads, and it just so happened that a lot of wooden and oriental awesome beads were half off. Score! I had no idea what to get or where to start, so I had great conversations with a couple of ladies that helped me in the right direction.

So that little adventure was awesome. I have a small plastic separator thing that holds a bunch of other beads now. I can't wait to start making more stuff!

1 comment:

tara said...

have I mentioned how much I love your craftiness?

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